Healthcares nearby Station Rd, Carn Brea Industrial Estate, Pool, Redruth TR15 3QJ, UK

Tesco Pharmacy

Approximately 0.01 km away
Address: Station Rd, Carn Brea Industrial Estate, Pool, Redruth TR15 3QJ, UK

Carn to Coast Health Centres

Approximately 0.48 km away
Address: Pool Health Centre, Station Rd, Pool, Redruth TR15 3DU, UK

Boots Pharmacy

Approximately 0.49 km away
Address: Pool Health Centre, Station Rd, Pool, Redruth TR15 3DU, UK

Approximately 0.72 km away
Address: An Bughes Chy, New Rd, Higher Brea, Camborne TR14 9BT, UK

Health Promotion Cornwall & Isles of Scilly

Approximately 0.76 km away
Address: The Basset Centre, Basset Rd, Pool, Camborne TR14 8SL, UK

The Lady Basset Physiotherapy Centre

Approximately 0.99 km away
Address: Church Rd, Pool TR15 3PT, UK

Camborne Redruth Community Hospital

Approximately 1.86 km away
Address: Barncoose Terrace, Redruth TR15 3ER, UK